Our founder and supreme leader, Ed Finkler, has done a fantastic job spreading the word of OSMI around the US. Thanks to your donations Ed’s going to be able to make 2017 (and beyond) even better than 2016, and him going full time working for OSMI is beyond our wildest dreams.


With that said, the very challenges that have made Ed such a knowledgeable and compelling speaker; the mental illnesses that have put Ed onto this unbelievable path to helping others also mean that it’s tough for Ed to travel outside of the US. Ed’s anxiety actually rules international travel out of the equation at the moment, and we’ve had to turn down a lot of requests for Ed to present at events in Europe (and beyond) because of that.

To try and help spread the message further than the shores of the US, we’ve decided that Gary Hockin, one of our board members and an experienced international speaker in his own right will be available to deliver the Stronger Than Fear talk in Europe.

Let’s be honest, it’s not going to be exactly the same as Ed’s version, but the message will be the same, and Gary has put his own unique spin on things to make the talk as unique and valuable as the original.

If you’d like Gary to deliver Stronger Than Fear at your event, the get in touch at [email protected] (or tweet @osmihelp), and we’ll do our best to make it happen.